Jul 31, 2023Liked by Devin Kelly

Gracias, Devin.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Devin Kelly

I felt like I knew

something then. It was mostly a feeling.

These two lines from “For my 20-year old Sister…” just pierced something in me today, yes having to do with my own sister who died almost 20 years ago in her early fifties…but also and maybe mainly about knowing something feeling something way back when in Oregon when we were squirming around in the muck and the green and the strongest coffee ever made. This has caused me to write. Thank you so much.-------Liza

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So many gifts again today! "And I am thinking again of Carl Phillips, how he writes in My Trade Is Mystery: 'To be given a map or compass would prevent my getting lost — what, for me, the making of poems requires from the start.'" This one relates directly to what I'm thinking/writing about right now. Thank you!

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023Liked by Devin Kelly

What a poem of our times, "Search History Sad" -- thank you for sharing and writing about it today. I can relate to it all too well, as I know many can. In fact, it made me look back at my own search history from yesterday, wishing to explore all of the "anxieties and desires and worries and insecurities and curiosities" I have now "stored in one of many humming server buildings sprawled across this earth". Wow. Small sampling:

Houston school district libraries. Show me

a prehensile porcupine baby. What is the hand

with an eye symbol called. Kevin Bacon

and Kyra Sedgwick singing to their pigs.

Murakami Kafka on the Shore. Hair forks.

Define cay. Hugh Grant Oompa Loompa.

Neuropathy. Mochi donuts near me.

I will now be thinking of my searches quite differently. What do I choose to house in my mind and on those Goggle servers?

Best to you, Devin. As always, thanks for your insights and voice this Sunday morning.

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