Oct 20Liked by Devin Kelly

Thank you for the reminder that nature provides us with such ineffable beauty and wonder. It is a gift for sure, but the gift we give ourselves is making the space and giving the attention to that wonder. Opening ourselves to it. I think so much of humanities problems today come from this separateness, All the while longing for wholeness.

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Wonderfully said, John. Thanks for reading

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Lovely. The beginning of this poem reminds me of William Carlos Williams' "Winter Trees" (" All the complicated details/of the attiring and/the disattiring are completed!") but then goes in a very different direction.

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Thanks, as always.

With my background of Catholicism, autumn’s shedding of leaves brings to mind that station of the crucifixion journey where Jesus is stripped of his garments. I wonder if being stripped forcibly, by gusting winds, by Roman soldiers, by the great challenges that occur in every life or by unbidden but unavoidable inner turmoil is a necessary part of every life journey. That maybe naked is how we need to stand, free of artifice, stripped of masks and of armor, open to the worst of whatever is thrown at us, that we might learn our strength, our resilience, and the grace of forces outside ourselves that keep us upright on our paths, facing forward into the worst that winter and life can throw at us.

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