Sep 17, 2023Liked by Devin Kelly

"...That steady beating of a heart. It is not loud at all, but when it is all we hear, we hear it for all it is — which is to say, we hear the suffering and we hear the joy; we hear the utter humanness of who we love ..."

Thank you for your human voice with insight. When I read your posts I hear it.

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this oozes such earnestness it made me cry in starbucks parking lot.

your work continues to be, as edna st vincent millay said: a burning lamp to me, a flame

the wind cannot blow out, and I shall hold it high in my hand against whatever darkness.

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Kim was my teacher. And you are the best. Thanks for your gorgeous meditations.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Devin Kelly

“But even the hurting makes a song.” Oh my god, thank you Devin for that last line, and of course all the words leading up to it which made it so powerful.

Yesterday morning on the way to city pool to do laps, with the car windows down and about 66 degrees, I harmonized at the top of my voice to Jackson Browne’s LATE FOR THE SKY. That is one perfect fucking album. Talk about poetry. I told a friend that If I ever met the great songwriter, I would have to bow down and say “we are not worthy!!!” and bawl my eyes out.

Thank you for the poems and your words every week. I look really forward to them.


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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Devin Kelly

Just beautiful. The poem and your words.

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