Thank you for always illuminating the things you pay attention to. This is a special gift.

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There are some things in this poem that would normally turn me off -- the scrolling nature of it (I deleted Twitter for a reason!), the casual 'what the fucks' -- but I appreciate you turning our attention to them and pointing out the use of them. The breathy pauses between lines and the very human 'what the fuck'-ness of things.

I also really loved this:

Please linger

near the

door uncomfortably

instead of

just leaving.

Also, you can always tell me more things about pigeons! I love pigeons.

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I love them too! Thanks so much, Denise

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Such a thoughtful and tender regard for this poem. Especially beautiful is your paragraph that ends "How terrible, that the world hurts more for those who are the most aware of hurt." Thank you for helping me to open up to the complexity within the simple, vulnerable words. They so honestly reveal the mystery--questions we aren't very often brave enough to face, needs we don't often want to expose.

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thanks so much, Michael

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Tears and joy. I relate to all of it. Thank you so very much. My week will be sweeter now.

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Beautiful reflections and a perfect poem.

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thanks, Stephanie! appreciate you

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"They looked like grey balls of fluff, like tiny masses of lint that one might find bundled up inside a vacuum cleaner." I love the birds multiplying in the Spring also. Thank you for reminding me of life's transitory nature.

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